Understanding how to properly pay your taxes helps you avoid unnecessary penalties and late fees. Here's a guide to staying on top of your tax payments.

Key Payment Deadlines

For most individuals and businesses, taxes are due by April 15th of each year. However, if you make estimated tax payments, they're typically due:

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IMPORTANT: An extension to file your tax return is not an extension to pay


Payment Methods

The IRS offers several convenient ways to pay your taxes:

Electronic Payments

Making electronic payments is the most secure and fastest way to pay your taxes. You can pay through:

Direct Pay: Transfer funds directly from your bank account to the IRS at no cost.

Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW): Schedule payments when you e-file your tax return.

Credit or Debit Card: Pay online or by phone (note that processing fees apply).

Traditional Methods

You can also pay by check or money order made payable to "U.S. Treasury." Include your tax form, tax year, and Social Security number or EIN on your payment.

Avoiding Penalties

To avoid penalties, consider these important steps: